Checkerboard Jute Rug
Checkerboard Jute Rug
Checkerboard Jute Rug
Checkerboard Jute Rug
Checkerboard Jute Rug
Checkerboard Jute Rug
Checkerboard Jute Rug
Checkerboard Jute Rug

Checkerboard Jute Rug

$175 $237 on Rugs USA
Arrives In
Color Sepia Patterned

The Aisle

Jute adds strength and durability, while wool makes the rug beautiful and plush. Bound together at the end, the fabrics resist curling and last a lifetime.

Handmade in Jaipur, India, the rug is the product of a centuries-old carpet-making tradition.

100% Jute
Because this native, local material adds texture and durability. It’s also entirely natural, renewable, and biodegradable.

That's an industry term that makes a huge difference on durability and longevity. Wool and jute natural bind at the edges of the rug, helping each piece resist curling and maintain its quality. Over decades, not just months.

Jaipur Jute Rugs

Introducing 10 new jute rugs
Handmade in Jaipur, India
With 100% pure jute

Sold for 45% less
than Amazon

Pure jute & hemp

Pure jute perfectly marries style and durability. Goes with every style from farmhouse and scandi to mid century and boho. Takes a beating. Still lasts forever. Anywhere.

Handmade in Jaipur

Since the 1800s, the world's best rugs have come out of this ancient Indian city. Now, with over 150 years of experience, the people of Jaipur are producing the most sought after carpets in the world — including ours.

Sold without markup

Same design, materials, country of origin and manufacturer as Amazon and RugsUSA.

Sold for 25% less.

Price Comparison

The Essential

Price $175
Same material yes
Same manufacturer yes
Same design yes
Same country of origin yes

Rugs USA

Price $237
Same material yes
Same manufacturer yes
Same design yes
Same country of origin yes

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