Summer Bouquet Mist
Summer Bouquet Mist
Summer Bouquet Mist
Summer Bouquet Mist
Summer Bouquet Mist
Summer Bouquet Mist

Summer Bouquet Mist

$29 $61 on Aesop

The Aisle

This is a bright blend of florals & lemongrass that will inspire feelings of peace, joy, and well-being, like laying in a sunny field surrounded by wildflowers.

This all-natural mist is made with purified water, witch hazel, and essential oils of lavender, geranium, lemongrass, and ylang ylang. Spray it everywhere to always smell amazing.

Freshen your space and linens
• air
• towels
• sheets, pillows, curtains
• dryer balls
• furniture
• car interiors

All-natural personal perfume and toner
• face
• hair and body
• clothes

• bath (1 small capful into bath water)
• meditation
• yoga mat

Purified water, witch hazel, and essential oils of lavender, geranium, lemongrass, and ylang ylang.

A Bright & Uplifting Floral

Lavender, geranium, ylang ylang
Touch of uplifting lemongrass.
Like basking in a sunny field of wildflowers.

Introducing The Everything Mist

All-natural ingredients
That’s safe to use everywhere.
Multi-use from face to air.
Four unique scents.
Smell good always.

The Artisan Apothecary in New Hampshire

Made by hand in small batches in New Hampshire using all-natural ingredients - just purified water, witch hazel, and essential oils. We worked with our award-winning apothecary to create unique and versatile scents free of parabens, petroleum products, artificial fragrances, and synthetic preservatives.

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