Preston’s Picks
Everything you need for a short term rental
From the furniture to the toiletries
Handpicked by Preston & his team
Same suppliers as luxury brands
Complete Room Packages
All the furniture, decor & inspo
To fill a room with one click
Curated by a pro designer
Sold at huge markdowns
Luxury stay essentials
Sold for 50 - 80% less
Curated for Airbnbs
Dining Essentials
Bedroom Essentials
Furniture Essentials
Everything Else
1,000+ More Essentials
The best version of everything
At the best price possible
Shipped for free
When The Essential team first approached me, they offered me a small commission to help create awareness for their brand with our community. I refused. Instead, I asked them to pass that commission onto our community as a discount. That's because I support their mission and I haven't forgotten mine — making both products and business more accessible.
Preston Seo